4 Most Famous Paintings in the World You Should Know About

 Let’s explore the world's most famous paintings by famed artists such as Vincent Van Gogh and Leonardo Da Vinci! 

1. The ‘Mona Lisa’ by Leonardo Da Vinci

Mona Lisa

First on our list is the all time famous Mona Lisa, I’m sure some of you have already heard of this masterpiece, but are here for more context regarding it. 

The Mona Lisa, crafted by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci, is a half-length portrait painting. Regarded as a quintessential masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance, it has garnered acclaim as "the most recognized, frequently visited, extensively discussed, celebrated in song, and often humorously imitated artwork globally". 

The Mona Lisa is an oil painting on a poplar wood panel, and it was painted by Da Vinci between the years 1503 and 1519, when he was living in Florence . Currently, it is the center of attention in the Louvre Museum, Paris. The reason behind Mona Lisa’s fame is not just because of the painters’ skill but also because of the famous incident of its theft in 1911.

 Da Vinci had unfortunately passed away before he could complete this piece, and as such she has no eyebrows. After his death, Napoleon had kept the Mona Lisa in his bedroom and after the French revolution, it was placed in the Louvre Museum. The Mona Lisa had not been that famous up till then, until one night when the painting had been stolen by an Italian patriot, Vincenzo Perrugia. The missing painting stirred chaos in all of France, and that’s how the painting became famous. 

After the painting was recovered and placed back in the museum, it was visited by several people and slowly its popularity increased. Then it became the subject of study for many people and artists. And that led to some very interesting discoveries and theories about it. 

The first question that arises in the mind of most people when they see this painting is : Who is Mona Lisa? 

Mona is actually short for ‘Madonna’ which means ‘Madam’ or ‘Lady’, so the painting's name is Lady Lisa, which in French is ‘La Joconde’. And as for who she is? She was the wife of Francesco del Gioconda, a Florentine merchant. Francesco’s family was closely connected with Da Vinci’s and it is thought that the portrait may have been commissioned by Francesco for his wife who had the name, Lisa Gioconda. Of course there are many other theories that suggest that the woman is Da Vinci’s mother or that she is some Italian queen or noblewomen. One interesting theory regarding this painting is that it is a self-portrait which Da Vinci did of himself if he was to appear as a woman. However, there is no evidence to prove those.

The second question that arises in the mind of the viewers of this painting is : Why is it so famous? 

Mona LisaFor one the painting heist in 1911 played a major role in spreading its name which invited a lot of attention. But what was it that kept the attention to remain on it up till now? Well there are three significant aspects of the painting that absorb its admirers. The first thing being Mona Lisa’s smile. The painting is made in such a way that although the lips are a straight line, due to the shading and blending, it appears as though the lady is smiling. However when you focus on the lips alone, her smile feels less visible and her face becomes more serious. The second captivating part of Mona Lisa are her eyes. It is thought that her steady gaze is always aimed directly at anyone who sees it. ‘Her eyes follow you’ is quite a common claim by those who go to see her. The third thing that viewers appreciate is the background, Italy’s Arno Valley.

Sfumato is a technique Da Vinci used in blurring the outlines and blending the colors of the painting, and this technique was used for the background as well as Mona Lisa’s smile. It creates depth while also forming an illusion. The lips are not actually smiling but because of the depth, they appear to. Similarly, the background and Mona Lisa do not have clear outlines, as if they appear connected.  

The Mona Lisa has survived since its creation for more than 500 years. Do you think this painting deserves its spot as the most famous painting in the world? Or are there other paintings which deserve more recognition?

2. ‘The Starry Night’ by Vincent Van Gogh

Starry Night

Here we have the vibrant and stunning work of Vincent van Gogh, The Starry Night. 

First let’s take a moment to admire this piece, we can see bright stars and a bright moon and unlike the usual silvery glow they seem to be emitting a golden shine. The contrasting colors of blue and yellow fit so harmoniously, creating a very calming effect on one’s mind.  

The Starry Night is an oil painting on canvas created by a Dutch painter, Vincent Van Gogh, in June 1889. It is one of the most widely recognized pieces of art in the world. It was inspired by the view from Van Gogh’s room in Saint Rémy on a starry night. Van Gogh later tried to recreate that scene with some modifications and the result is right before you. It is an abstract landscape, painted from memory and with a touch of imagination.  

The reason why it is so widely appreciated is because not only is it very visually pleasing, with it’s vibrant colors and expressive brushstrokes, but when you take into consideration Van Gogh’s life struggles you will find yourself viewing this painting in a different perspective. Van Gogh painted this piece from his room in the asylum which had a barred window. He saw the starry night but couldn’t paint because it was too dark in his room, but did so in the morning. 

What thoughts had possibly been going through his mind as he painted this piece? And how many of those thoughts did he convey through it? The beautiful swirling night sky with clouds in the form of turbulent waves may be a depiction of the chaos in his mind. The peaceful village beneath the sky might as well be the remaining sanity or peace that he may have had. 

The large cypress tree at the front was also something he added out of imagination, and cypress trees are meant to symbolize death in Mediterranean cultures . This painting seemed to have conveyed more emotions than we have discovered. Vincent Van Gogh died on 29th July 1890, a year after this piece, succumbing to his mental illness. 

This painting evokes many emotions in the viewers ranging from sadness, admiration, wonder and a touch of mystery.

Do you believe it is right to consider it the second most famous painting in the world? 

3. The ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ by Johannes Vermeer  

famous painting

This spectacular work of Dutch Artist Johannes Vermeer has undoubtedly spread so widely that even if the name is unfamiliar the painting itself has not only been viewed but also humorously imitated. 

It is Vermeer’s most famous work crafted in 1665, an oil painting which is not a portrait but a ‘tronie’, a painting of an imaginary figure. The identity of the girl is therefore uncertain. It is often in places referred to as ‘ The Mona Lisa of the North’ with its wide exposure that is beginning to rival Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.

This painting was previously known as ‘The Girl with a Turban’ referring to the headdress of blue and yellow colors. Later it was changed to ‘The Girl with a Pearl Earring’, but then later a discovery was made; If the earring had truly been a pearl it would’ve shined, but it was merely reflecting the light and therefore appearing more like a metal. So it was concluded that the girl is not actually wearing a pearl earring, but one made out of metal. 

The reason for this painting’s fame is the question most often associated with it : Is the girl turning towards the viewers or is she turning away from the viewers? 

This question keeps the viewers constantly curious, and the question after that is whether the girl is about to say something and if so, what, or else is she simply sighing? 

This painting is full of questions and makes you fully immersed into the mysteries of the girl and why she is looking towards the viewers.

Can you figure out why?

4. The ‘Guernica’ by Pablo Picasso



Our Final Painting for this list is none other than Pablo Picasso’s most famed work, The ‘Guernica’. 

The Guernica is a large oil painting, created by the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso in the year 1937. This painting is a symbol of protest against wars and it is named after the Spanish city that was bombed by a German aircraft in 1937. It is a political painting that shows the tragedy of war in Picasso’s distinctive style. 

There is a lot of chaos and madness in it and it has certainly moved the hearts of many. If you look closely, you will notice a woman on the left crying as her neck is tilted while she holds the corpse of her baby whose neck is also tilted to a similar angle. Looking beneath the two you will see a soldier lying on the ground, unable to defend them, as his own body lies in broken pieces, but his hand remains tightly gripping a broken sword. On the right you will see a woman attempting to run but being unable to free her leg from the collapsed rubble on it. Another figure is shown on the upper right-side of the painting, screaming as she falls, trapped in yet another terrifying situation. 

It is an anti-war mural created to forever remember the horrible atrocities that war brings. 

Guernica's reason for fame is mostly due to the disturbing and eye-opening situations it features, and partially due to Picasso’s unique style of painting, such that it exudes the feelings of horror and trauma the people had to witness and experience. His painting style of cubism really enhanced this painting to appear even more disturbing.

 Do you believe Guernica has earned its place in this list? Or was there another painting that has more recognition?


All paintings mentioned in this list have distinctive features and backgrounds which led me to write about them. They all are paintings that all those who have an interest in art should at least be familiar with. From the Mona Lisa’s smile, to The Starry Nights swirling clouds and bright stars, to the Girl with a Pearl Earring’s mysteries and Guernica's disturbing yet important message, all these paintings have been recognized as famous masterpieces and will continue to exist. By studying these masterpieces, you can feel more connected to your own paintings and realize that to paint is more than just applying paint on a blank paper or canvas. Painting is the art of expressing yourself by color, style and form. 

I hope these paintings made you feel something more than just admiration for the artists. In every piece there is a hidden message that cannot be worded, only felt.  

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