7 Easy Canvas Painting Ideas for Beginners

Painting ideas
Let’s dive into some easy  painting ideas on canvas for beginners who are interested in painting but don’t know what to make.
1. Floral Painting 

Flower PaintingFloral paintings can be tricky depending on what flower you intend on painting.  Some of the easy ones include lavenders, tulips and daisies. These flowers don’t require much detailing and can be done with minimal effort.

 Having a pastel or black background, with some lavenders or tulips or daisies really creates a stunning painting that focuses on the flower. The final piece regardless of which color palette you choose will definitely be a sight to see. 

As a beginner, a simple floral design is not only easy to make but also rewarding at the end of it.

2. Quotes Artwork 

QuotesPainting gradients is a struggle for many beginners, but it is also the foundation for several paintings. Gradients, or the shading of two or more colors to create smooth transitions of colors is one of the most aesthetically pleasing and widely used methods of painting.

 A very easy painting idea is to paint a gradient and to then paint a quote on it with your preferred writing style. There are limitless quotes out there, so there are absolutely no limitations when making such paintings. For a beginner I would recommend some simple gradients with just two colors or a fading gradient with just one color fading into darker shades or lighter ones.

 Keep in mind that when making gradients it's easier to blend warm colors together, such as yellow and red, and cool colors together, such as violet and blue, however forming a gradient between a warm and cool color is quite a difficult task, especially for a beginner.

 3. Minimal Abstract Paintings

Abstract ArtFor all the minimalism lovers out there, this idea is just for you! Get a brush and mix up your preferred colors, choose a color for the background, and then make two to three swatches of different colors over the background. The swatches should have smooth edges and not be too big.

 After you're done with the basic coloring, you can paint your signature object on it, such as a cup of tea or a book or it could even be something random such as a stalk of leaves. If painting it is hard, you can also sew the outline of the object.

The thing to pay attention to in this painting is the smoothness of your paint and brush strokes. Those are necessary to produce an elegant and minimalistic look.   

4. Sunsets

Sunset Painting 

SunsetThe above ideas all fell in the section of abstract art, as there were no physical concepts in them. This one , however, is not an abstract painting. 

The use of gradients is needed in this as well, for the setting of the sun, the shading of the sky going from darker to lighter towards the horizon. But we won’t be painting the  horizon, instead there will be a forest at the area of the horizon, blocking the light and therefore appearing a dark color. You can add mountains as well or anything else that would fit well on the horizon.

The simplicity of this painting lies in the lack of details, the highlight of this painting is the transitioning colors of the sky as dusk approaches. So as long as the gradient is smooth the final piece will exude a very majestic aura.


5. Night Sky

Night SkySimilar to the one above, in this idea our focus will be the sky as well. The night sky will also possess a gradient that shifts to lighter as it nears the horizon. The colors of the sky can vary according to your preference and imagination. 

What blocks the horizon can be a row of mountains, or a forest or even a row of buildings. Again of colors according to your preference, but should be a dark shade because the scene is in the night. The sky can possess not only a moon but you can also add a few white dots to create stars.  

This piece exudes a calm and ethereal aura, and will surely leave you with a sense of awe upon its completion. It's sure to make any room you put it in look more refined with this elegant piece.

6. Geometric Abstract Art

 This one is an abstract idea, for all the people who like geometrical designs. It is also fairly easy and a great way to create paintings based on your aesthetic color. You can go with shades of yellow, blue, red or you can have a mix of all colors!Geometric Abstract

Get a masking tape and tape your canvas or page to obtain your desired shapes which can range from triangles, rectangles, trapeziums to any other shape.  Then you simply fill in the spaces of the tapes with varying colors. Once the paint dries, take off the tape to witness an array of shapes with varying colors.

There will be gaps between the shapes and you can choose whether to fill in those gaps with an extra color or leave it as is, or to have initially started with a colored layer over which you painted the shapes. 

7. Beach Paintings

I'm sure all of you interested in painting have seen at least one cool sea painting that made you wanna make it. However, as much as the truth hurts, sea paintings are quite hard to make as you need to master gradients for it first and then also have a good idea of how lights, shadows and light reflections work.

So in this idea we will start simple with the sea meeting the shore. The shore will be sandy so a sandy yellow will be used for two corners of the painting, while the rest will be waves of the sea reaching the shore. The waves will follow the gradient of dark to light, with the lighter part meeting the shore. 

Once the initial coloring is done you can go back in and add some white foam on the edges of the sea waves to make it seem like the tidal pressure is high. In addition you can give the sand a mild gradient as well to make it seem natural. And to make it seem more realistic maybe add a cliff on the side.

Paint Brushes


To sum up this list, it’s best to start with a limited palette and focus mostly on your brush strokes and how you blend those colors. The floral designs are a colorful experience for beginners to deepen their experience with various paints . The gradients for the second design are not only breath-taking but also necessary to practice blending for beginners. The minimalist abstract paintings are good ways to keep in touch with your inner artist while not diving too deep into painting. The sunset painting offers the painter a clear vision of what to create while also allowing their own touch and imagination. The night paintings allow an easier gradient for beginners to try their hand at, leaving very less room for mistakes or failures. The geometric designs give a unique and aesthetic vibe and their process of creation is also quite enjoyable. The beach paintings give a fresh and lively aura and leave the viewer with serenity. 

The journey of many artists often ends before it is allowed to begin.  That is because many people have developed the habit of giving up too quickly. However, as long as you start slow, start with the basics and take one step at a time, you can one day create masterpieces like Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet and Leonardo Da Vinci.

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